
This blog is written by Elizabeth Gabay, Master of Wine.

I am a big fan of the wines of Bellet, the urban appellation of Nice. I think these are getting better every year and should be well supported by locals.

Although the area is small, with only 60ha under vine, the wines of Bellet are an important part of the gastronomy of Nice and the Côte d’Azur. Due to the limited production, Bellet wine is not widely available outside the Alpes-Maritimes.

About me

I have specialised in the wines of south-eastern France since the 1980s, when I started as an independent wine merchant and consultant. I became a Master of Wine in 1998.

Since moving to south-east France in 2002, I have continued to write and teach, specialising in the wines of Provence, Hungary and northern Italy. I write for several magazines, websites and books, including winetravelguides.com, the Provence sections of Oz Clarke’s Pocket Wine Book and Jancis Robinson’s World Atlas of Wine.

I am also interested in the history of wine, especially the wine of south eastern France, and I am writing the definitive history of punch.

To contact me:

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2 responses to “About”

  1. Hélène Prandi avatar
    Hélène Prandi

    j’ai acheté un pot de vos olives à Saint Martin Vésubie, un jour de fête où il y avait des exposants. Je les ai trouvées particulièrement bonnes. Où puis-je en acheter à nouveau s’il vous plait ? En vous remerciant.

    1. david avatar

      Le producteur-récoltant PECIVOLO de St Roman de Bellet vend ses olives au marché de Saint Martin Vésubie. Tel : 04 93 37 82 35.

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